Airline Dispatchers Federation.
Representing the professional interests of the Aircraft Dispatcher.

February 2009 VOR Quiz

VOR Quiz

February 2009 VOR Trivia Quiz

Contest submitted by: Phil Brooks 




- This month's Navaid has the same identifier as the airport where it's located, which has airline service. The nearby town has the same name as a nickname for a large U.S. city. This clue should be "easy" to guess.

Certain airlines used to "CARP" when they had to hold over this place, even though they agreed to hold here before departure, if weather didn't clear at their destination to the south.


Send your answers to:

answer: Cresent City (CEC)

This month's winners:

 Timothy Smith - Airtran

Jennifer Alvarado - Scenic Airlines

Jeff Olson -

Scott Allen - PSA

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