Airline Dispatchers Federation.
Representing the professional interests of the Aircraft Dispatcher.

June 2010 VOR Quiz

VOR Quiz

June 2010 VOR Trivia Quiz 

Contest submitted by: Phil Brooks 

photo courtesy of Javida Lomax




click on image to enlarge

  1. This VOR's identifier spells the name of one of the children in a popular 1970's situation comedy.

  2. It's named after the nearby city, which itself is named after a U.S. General and early President, and shares the name of a well-known civil rights activist.

  3. This VOR is located on a golf course/country club where you might want to gather all of your relatives.


Send your answers to:

This month's winners:

answer: Jackson, Mississippi (JAN)

 Walter Wilson -

Pam Brooks - 

Joe Stepansky -

Ed Pataky - ExpressJet

Michael Ferraro - Southwest

Derek Severin - Air Wisconsin

Dawn Stone - 

Chris Dau - Aloha Air Cargo

Timothy Smith - AirTran Airways

Roland Mahaffey - 

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