Yale Oseroff/Kade Merrel - Endeavor Air John Barry Jim Hanson Bryce J. Harden - Kalitta Air Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines Tom Waters - United Airlines Richard Fellie - Air Transport International Rebekah Perez
Yale Oseroff Richard L. Fellie - Air Transport International Alex Johnson - Southwest Airlines John Barry Michael Vane Jesse Butcher - Delta Air Lines Brandon Osborn Rebekah Perez/Reed Allen - Envoy Dale Gentry - Southwest Bryce J. Harden - Kalitta Air Adam Schweber - United
and a group effort from United!
Jake Browne Jeff Dasher Robert Hourigan Raegan Bradley Tom Waters
page down for the answer-
The answer is Balikpapan (BPN), Indonesia photo by Sara Gradwohl- thanks Sara!
Ed McCoy - United Airlines Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines Jesse Butcher - Delta Air Lines Julie Harris John Barry Richard L. Fellie - Air Transport International Andrew Poure - Kalitta Air Alex Johnson - Southwest Airlines
This VOR is located in the United States. It is at an airport with no commercial service. It does not have a similar identifier as the airport but does have the same name. There were 2 significant disasters nearby where many perished. One was natural, the other was man made. There are some geometric gardens in the area.
correct answers received from (page down for the answer):
James Hanson Ed McCoy - United Airlines Alex Johnson - Southwest Airlines Cayce Sweeney - Atlas Air Martin Weaver - American Airlines (retired) John Barry Bryce J. Harden - Kalitta Air Richard L. Fellie - Air Transport International Kenneth Dechmerowski Michael Vane Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines Jesse Butcher - Delta Airlines